Purpose of the 印第安纳州 玩wrights Circle

The purpose of the 印第安纳州 玩wrights Circle (IPC) is to encourage and develop playwrights, and to promote script 写作, 观众发展, 以及相关艺术.

查看我们的 现场的夜晚!


In 2012, A对黑 moved to 印第安纳波利斯 with a freshly minted MFA in 玩写作 in his hand. Entrepreneurial in spirit, Andy was looking for opportunities and began teaching 剧本创作 at the 印第安纳州 Writers Center (捕鲸委员会). One thing led to another, and the 剧本创作 program there has expanded significantly, and the 捕鲸委员会 now offers a full 剧本创作 curriculum (taught by others, 包括安迪).

与此同时, a community of playwrights sprang up, spurred by these educational programs, and many different kinds of creative activities have been taking place. Established in September of 2019, the 印第安纳州 玩wrights Circle is dedicated to creating community for playwrights and opportunities for them to develop their skills and get their work out.


Key activities sponsored by the IPC include:

  • 开放场景之夜: Up to six playwrights can bring in 页面s to hear them read by local actors and receive feedback. Each playwright gets about 20 minutes and the discussions are facilitated by our 现场的夜晚 Coordinator.  (Note: Writers are responsible for emailing their scripts to 里克•普卢默 到下午5点.m. on the date of the event. Scripts should be no more than 1600 words, in an MS Word file.) 现场的夜晚 are free to members. Nonmembers may have 页面s read for a $10 fee per event. Audience members are always welcome — it’s free to listen!

  • 表读取: When a play is ready to be read all the way through, a table read may be scheduled. 玛丽Karty identifies appropriate actors, 邀请IPC会员, and facilitates a discussion after the reading. Members may schedule one table read for free per year. Nonmembers pay $50 for a table read. 对于表读, nonmembers must also have the script reviewed by an IPC Officer to ensure readiness for a table read. 写信给 玛丽Karty to schedule a table read.
  • 大型小组会议每季度一次, the group convenes in a large group format for networking and some type of program of interest to playwrights. These programs are free for everyone in the community.

IPC Virtual Event Policy



Annual membership is $100 per year and includes free 现场的夜晚, one free table read per year, and a membership for the 印第安纳州 Writers Center, which entitles the member to discounted rates for 写作 classes and workshops.

还有问题吗?? 电子邮件 印第安纳州 玩wrights Circle at indianaplaywrights@indiana作家.org


If you are an actor who is interested in being involved in IPC events such as scene nights or table readings, 请 click here to enter your name into our actors database! 演员 in our database will be contacted for both scene nights and table reading opportunities. Please include a headshot! If you are already in our database and would like to update your availability for 现场的夜晚 and 表读取, 请 fill out our actor availability sign up form below. Networking with IPC can lead to many more opportunities as well! We look forward to working with you!




A对黑: 椅子

莎拉·K. “嘉: 执行董事, 印第安纳州 Writers Center

里克•普卢默: Scene Night Coordinator, 媒体/website

雷蒙娜亨德森: 普通会员

玛丽Karty: 表读取 Coordinator

伊丽莎白Speckman: Education Coordinator

威廉姆斯加贝: 普通会员

大卫·莫雷: 现场的夜晚 Actor Coordinator

贾尼斯尼尔: 印第安纳州 Writers Center Liaison

贝基Schlomann: Communications/Marketing

布朗温蒂: 普通会员


Jeffrey Dalstrom: 印第边缘联络

天蓝色威廉姆斯: 捕鲸委员会 联络

问题? 电子邮件 印第安纳州 玩wrights Circle at indianaplaywrights@indiana作家.org.


Every Wednesday, 6:30-9:00 p.m. 在放大. 写信给 indianaplaywrights@indiana作家.org for a Zoom invitation. 看到我们的 IPC Virtual Event Policy for Zoom meeting info.

  • (Note: There are no open 现场的夜晚 during the week of Thanksgiving or on federal holidays.)


  • 表读取 are typically held on the last Thursday of the month. All 表读取 are at 7:00 p.m.,美国东部时间, unless otherwise noted. To sign up for a Table Read, contact 玛丽Karty.
  • 目前, all 表读取 are held 在放大 at 7:00 p.m. 美国东部时间. Registration for upcoming events will be available on the 表读取 页面.


  • 目前, IPC每季度举行一次, in-person events in 印第安纳波利斯 on topics of interest to playwrights. Event Registration is typically through Eventbrite. 看我们的 Facebook页面 了解更多信息.

Thank you to our partners!

IPC keeps a password protected archive of materials related to our work and mission. Should you like to access archival material, 请 email ipcinfo@indiana作家.org a request, describing your needs, and a team member will respond as soon as possible.


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